Good Morning lovelies! My sincere apologies for my absence - and for my tardiness on writing about one of my favorite holidays! The past week and a half has gone by in a white blur of far too much snow.
Usually I am all about snow - trust me I am like a 10 year old when it comes to snow that is how excited I get, but 31 inches of snow is just too much. Mr.President and I were in Philadelphia with his family the weekend the first blizzard hit DC, and then came home Super Bowl Sunday to Snowmagedon or Snowpocalypse, whichever you prefer. I had off from work all last week (insert happy dance here!) and then we had Monday off for President's Day so I am just trying to dig out (literally!) from the snow, the work I missed etc. I am now officially ready for February to go bye-bye, and for March to hurry up and get here...preferably in like a lamb, not a lion!
Anyways - let's talk Valentine's Day! Despite all the snow and craziness of last week, me and Mr.President found a way to make the day really special. Mr.President booked us a room Sunday night in Annapolis, Maryland. It was both of our first times there - sad considering I have lived in DC for almost four years now - so we were so excited to go. We left around lunchtime Sunday and arrived to a very snowy Annapolis. The town is so very quiet and quaint and romantic.
image via HistoricInnsOfAnnapolis

We stayed at the Maryland Inn, which is part of the Historic Inns of Annapolis. It was perfect! The Inn only had about 40 or so rooms and made you feel like you were in 1773 still. The room had a fireplace and lace curtains and a red velvet covered bench at the end of the bed...it was all very romantic if I do say so myself. Mr.President did a great job selecting our hotel!
We spent the afternoon walking around the downtown area and playing tourists. It is a charming little town - perhaps even more charming if there were not 3 foot high mounds of dirty, black snow but I digress.
Unfortunately, due to the very old feel of the hotel there was no ice machine (or at least not one we could find!) so Mr.President improvised and found another way to chill the wine...

our makeshift wine glasses
Now since "we" are not planners - note "we" is just me trying to be nice to Mr.President..I am in fact 100% a planner....we did not make dinner reservations until Sunday morning. Not knowing the area we decided to go to opentable and just see what reservations were left for the night. We found 3 or 4 restaurants that looked good and then decided on an Italian restaurant...of course not knowing it was a chain restaurant. In fact, I am still not sure it is, but it certainly had a Cheesecake Factory feel to it - and don't get me wrong, I LOVE the CF. The food was delicious and my only complaints was that we were sitting so close to the other two tables that I felt like I was on a double date with the other couples. We could hear word for word their conversation and on Valentine's Day I do not think that is ideal for anyone involved.
Overall the entire weekend was just lovely! Mr.President if you are reading this - GOOD JOB! A+ for you!
I hope you all had a lovely Valentine's Day as well. I hope that your bellies were full of yummy chocolates and wine and that you spent the day feeling fabulous!
I have so many delayed posts to share with you...including Hopsy's Pink Swap so I promise to upload my photos and update soon.
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