via my lovers - Ben & Jerry
Some Journals are written in ink ~ mine is typed out in pink
via my lovers - Ben & Jerry
our makeshift wine glasses
Let it snow, Let it snow, LET IT SNOW...and there is still more to come! This weekend in DC boy did it snow! I think the grand total was around 7 or 8 inches...and it was the perfect snow - light, fluffy, powdery! I woke up around 7am on Saturday and couldn't sleep anymore - I would love to tell you that it was because I was just so excited for the looming snow storm, but I shudder to think it was more the result of one too many (or three too many) glasses of wine.It started snowing here around 9am and by about 10am I had successfully convinced Mr.President to bundle up in every warm piece of clothing we have and take a snowy walk to get breakfast.