a green and yellow basket!
Don't ask me. I have no idea why but that nursery rhyme just keeps going over and over again in my head and I can't seem to shake it. Lord knows where it came from...go figure.
So all night i have been looking forward to writing a new post - and in all the excitement I have found that I have no idea what direction I want to take this post in. Me indecisive - hard to believe right? If you know me in "real life" you know that I am just about the queen of indecision. I can barely decided what to wear in the mornings.
Speaking of...I was reading my daily blogs today (in between doing work of course) and came across a post about outfit planning and immediately felt at home. Everyday since 3rd grade, the exact time I remember asking my mom if I could start picking out my outfits the night before school...I have in fact laid out my clothes the night before. I tell you I can probably remember on one hand how many nights i have gone to bed without laying out my clothes (and those days are NOT good mornings at all). I have always been a stickler for organization and there is just no way I can wait until the morning of to start deciding my outfits. Call me obsessive compulsive (I can almost hear Mr.President chiming in right about now) but I just can't go to sleep not having my outfit selected. In fact often I will even go as far to pick out more than one (sometimes three or four) options just in case come morning I am not a fan of the night befores decision. It is quite a process and has given me the title of "high maintenance" far too many times...
Do you all do this too? Please tell me I am not alone here!

image via Closet Coture
Speaking of...I just saw this fabulous website the other day and thought it was my lucky day for sure! I subscribe to CityShopGirl - which I am not entirely sure if this is a DC only newsletter, but regardless you should subscribe ASAP! Anyways...the site is called Closet Coture. Essential it allows you to upload clothing items from your own personal closet to share with friends, or via blog etc. I am officially obsessed...I am certain there is much more to come for you lucky readers via Closet Coture. Check it out and let me know what you think!
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