I love New Year's Eve for oh so many reasons. I love the feeling knowing that everyone, everywhere is watching the clock eagerly counting down the moments until the clock strikes midnight. I love that there are noisemakers, and silly party hats, and lots and lots of midnight smooching going on...I love it all.
I even love the idea of New Year's Resolutions...although I have to admit I rarely make (or keep for that matter) very many resolutions. I relish the idea that once we are done ushering in the New Year that we have a fresh slate...a new beginning and a whole new year to do what we want with. Even if resolutions are broken a matter of days after they are made, there is still the sweet aftertaste of optimism and the possibility of change in the air (I sound like a hallmark card, I know I know).
This year I made a few resolutions and you bet your bottom dollar I am going to try my best (hopefully with my lovely readers and friends and family's support and helpful nagging) to keep them.
1) Run a Half Marathon - quite the lofty goal considering I am just getting back to running since my injury
2) Save more money - stop buying more clothes and frivolous other odds and ends that i do not need (but still very much want!) and that do not fit in my already overstuffed closet
3) Eat less junk - yea I am talking to you beloved french fries, cookies, donuts, chips, ice cream....you get the drift. Focus on eating HEALTHY
4) Focus on my passion (design and ALL things bridal)
5) Take a new class...preferably salsa dancing (hint, hint Mr.President)
6) Be less judgemental of other. If you know me you know that this might very well be the hardest (and my honest resolution) thing for me to do...but I am going to try my best to bite my tongue
7) Take deep breaths. Sounds easy enough, but I assure you there are far too many moments in my day that I let the little things get me all riled up and start putting on my grumpster pants way too quickly. I need to practice patience, deep breaths.....if there is a dish on the counter, or a throw pillow out of place it will be ok (I am silently repeating this to myself right now to drill home this message)
8) Write a new blog post 3 times a week (you lucky readers you!)
So with that, I hope and pray that I am going to be able to stick to these resolutions and truly work hard at keep them. Half the battle is making them right? (check!) And I think another big chunk must be throwing them out into cyber space (check)
Now I am in my warm bed, glasses on, a box of tissues in hand (I have been feeling a bit under the weather today), teeth brushed, waiting for Mr.President to finally get home.
Happy Belated New Year to you all! I hope 2010 proves to be more wonderful than the last