Ahhh…heaven! This weekend I went with Mr. President and one of my all time favorite people, Lauren and her boy to our Alma Mater – JMU! Until now I have not been back since my first Alumni weekend in 2007, so it has been quite a while and to say I was excastic about going back would be an understatement. I heart all things JMU and to spend the weekend with my favorites was just icing on the purple and gold cake.

Mr. President and I woke up very early on Saturday morning, packed, and hit the road for 81. The entire ride there I could hardly contain my excitement. There is something about going back to my college town that just fills me with nostalgia. If you have never been to JMU and you just saw it passing by you would probably wonder what all the hub-bub is all about – as to the naked, un-alumni eye JMU, and particularly Harrisonburg just looks like a rural, be it maybe even a country-like campus with a handful of bars and lots of hills…but oh there is so much more to JMU.

Now that I live in the “big city” I can truly appreciate how great it was to go to a school in the middle of nowhere. It is just such a joy to be able to run a quick errand and actually be able to park there and finish the errand in under an hour. Aside from that JMU is just gorgeous – such a pretty campus. Even as we were watching the football game you could see the mountains in the background – you certainly don’t get that in the city. It turned out to be such a perfect day for a football game – sunny with no clouds in sight and high of upper 50s…such a treat.
After the game we went back to our hotel and relaxed for a bit – mostly talking about how old we are and reminiscing about the old days when we could day drink, take a quick nap, and rally again for the night. All of us were feeling the beers and chik-fil-a platter (an absolute must for all tailgating, and especially JMU tailgating. )

We “rallied” as much as we could and headed out to a local tavern, Dave’s which was a staple in our college nights out. They have hands down the best steak and cheese pita EVER – I was in heaven! I quickly gobbled down the entire pita and fries, and started in on the leftovers from Laur’s plate.

Lauren and I @ the tailgate
Sunday morning we woke up, checked out of the hotel and went on a walking tour of the campus. It is amazing just how much it has changed since we all graduated. There is a brand new library, a new dining hall, new dorms, a new tunnel connecting campus…it was just amazing how different, yet exactly the same everything looked. It was just such a treat to be there and walk down memory lane with my favorite people.

Ahh…to be a college student again (and have my parents pay my rent, utilities, and dining plan…)
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