I suppose it would only be approriate for me to start by introducing myself to you all...
I live in Washington, DC and work on the hill...no not for a Senator, but for a non-profit interior design association. I am originally from Pennsylvania, so a northern girl (but I swear I have a big heaping dose of southern in me too). I went to school at James Madison University and studied Psychology and Interior Design.
While at JMU I met the love of my life - Mr.President ( a nickname he earned in college when I would tease him for being his Fraternity's president). I met him while studying in the library (sounds nerdy, I know). I was a bit of bookworm in

Currently Mr.President is temporarily living with me until he finds his own place - so we are stumbling through the obstacles of getting adjusted to living in the same room. It is most certainly a blessing, but does not come without its challenges.
Let's see, what else should I tell you....
I love all things weddings - ALL things bridal! Now rest assured I am not one of those over-zealous girls who is already planning my wedding (I am far to picky and indecisive for that!), but instead have a burning passion for all the gorgeous details of the big day. I would LOVE to plan weddings in the future...my own wedding aside, I just want to plan and me immersed in all the fabulous, small and big details. I find myself lost in wedding blogs and websites for hours on end and wonder where the time went.
My favorite site is Style Me Pretty - the hours I have spent at that website is surely unhealthy.
Aside from weddings my other passion (if we can call it that) is for FOOD! Seriously, I love food! Beyond just enjoying food, I have a hearty appetite to boot. I can (and often do) eat Mr.President under the table. It is a constant joke around my office that if there is food that I not only a) know about it, but b) was most likely first in line to get said food, and c) and am already up getting seconds. I am not exaggerating when I tell you this girl can eat. However, I do not, repeat can not eat one thing in particular - salads. I hate salads There is just nothing about a salad I like - unless it is covered in cheese, bacon bits, fattening salad dressing, and has yummy chicken resembling chicken tenders atop it. I have to force myself to eat a salad, and when I do I assure you I am not enjoying it. I make efforts to eat healthy from time to time, but often end up eating something an hour later because I am not satisfied. If you have any good salad recipes, fabulous dressings etc. to try, please pass them my way. I am trying to keep an open palate....
I am certain I haven't even begun to scratch the surface of an adequate about me post, but I promise to keep posting.
I look forward to continuing to follow all of you through your blogs and hope that I can create even a pinch as interesting of material for you all to follow.
In the meantime, I am off to research templates and headers and gadgets, oh my!
good- another blog that will distract while "working"